Living Essentials

We all have a past—that can never be forgotten. It lives inside us—sometimes so close we can taste it.

We reside in a place called “today” that has be preceded by sprinklings of joys, lessons, and hardships. Just like babies learns to walk by falling. Our journeys have taught us not only to stand, but to walk, and even to run.

Our growth is like a seed. We need soil, water, and sun to become stronger and bigger. But this growth and strengthening is produced through a series of breakings. It is never easy to the destruction that is forming us.

Look at the beauty of flowers. We don’t often consider the labor that went into the growing. It is with age that we realize we never stop growing. In youth there is this assumption of arrival–a suspended-disbelief in a world that makes sense. But age tells us that life is an active series of growings. Just when we think we have life figured out—it changes.  We become undone or to put in positively we become beautiful once again as we nurture another blossom.

“Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord.” Psalm 150:6